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United Nations Public Service Day

Public Service Day, although not widely celebrated, is June 23rd and is a great reminder to give back to your community. According to the United Nations, Public Service Day, “intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector.” Here are just a few ways to celebrate Public Service Day:

Educate—Reach out to a local school to facilitate activities and educate students about United Nations Public Service Day. Host a presentation, organize a poster or essay contest or even take the students to job shadow in the public sector. Teach them the important value of giving back and being a public servant.

Recognize—Shine the light on public servants in your community by thanking them. Send handwritten letters, organize a Public Service Announcement on local radio stations that honor employees or create an event thanking public servants.

Publicize—Educate your community about Public Service Day and recognize public servants by writing an Op-Ed for the local newspaper. The opinion page is a popular page in the newspaper, and many will be enlightened about the United Nations Public Service Day.