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Training Calendar

Leadership Academy trainings are provided for supervisors and managers of Continuum member companies to enhance their leadership skills. The following sessions will be held as live webinar events.

Continuum EAP Leadership Academy 2024

  • The Attitude Check

  • The Leadership Paradigm: Shifting Your Perspective

  • Thinking Like a Business Leader

  • Unlocking Motivation

  • Career Shock: The Underreported Factor in Why Employees Leave

  • Let's Talk About It: How to Have Difficult Conversations

  • Employee Engagement

  • September 2024

    Psychological Safety in the Workplace

  • October 2024

    Compassionate Leadership: Combining Empathy, Passion and Purpose

  • November 2024

    Using Feedback for Performance Success

Announcements with registration information will be posted approximately three weeks prior to the event.

HelpNet Webinar 2024 Calendar