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Stumped on a picking a New Year's resolution? Let us help

Happy New Year! Now is the time when many of us whole-heartedly start putting our plans for self-improvement into motion. Haven’t put much thought into what you would like to achieve in 2018? Take a look at our resolutions for the coming year and it may help get the ideas flowing.

Jennie Eckhout, EAP Professional, "I once heard a speaker say that 80 to 90 percent of life is lived between goals. This resonated with me as most of us tend to focus 80 to 90 percent of our attention and energy on goals. My resolution for 2018 is to actually live my life between the goals. For me, this means to take intentional notice of the small moments in everyday life and appreciate the blessings I have been given."

Erin Hergott, Member Services Coordinator, "I am resolved to embrace change as an opportunity for growth rather than a list of challenges to overcome. While I won't throw out my lists entirely, because that would just not be realistic for me, I strive to also include and reflect on the positive outcomes that will result from the changes I will experience in the new year."

Morgan Huenink, Office Assistant, "Like many, my 2018 resolution is to lose weight, as it has been many years in the past. What makes this year different? I’ve decided to stop thinking of it as a diet or a temporary change and think of it as a lifestyle change. Many habits are hard to break, but I am committed to my goals this year and will start eating better and exercising regularly."

Rhonda Huenink, Business Manager, "My resolution for 2018 is to document something to be grateful for every single day."

David Kimbrough, EAP Professional, "Professionally, I hope to continue developing our services to meet the diverse needs of as many people as we can. Personally, I hope to find a balance that will allow me to be highly productive at work and home."

Susan Merwick, Senior Workplace Consultant, In 2018, I strive to be fully present and full of gratitude."

Gail Sutter, Executive Director, My New Year’s resolution is to reach out on a regular basis to all of the people who are important to me, whether they live close by or far away."

Valerie Williams, EAP Professional, My resolutions include introducing swimming into my workout routine and reading more books. I also intend to complete more professional training to support couples in having healthy, connected relationships."

Hopefully, our resolutions helped spur some ideas of your own. Once you've identified what you would like to strive for in the coming year, check out this article for help making your New Year's resolution a success: