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Does work/life balance really exist?

We've all heard the term, work/life balance. The question is, does it really exist? For some, work is life! For others work/life balance means spending time with the people you love and/or finding time to relax. For others, it means something different yet.

Because of advances in technology we are more connected than ever before. This often means work comes home with us, or we bring our personal matters to the office. Just because you are connected does not mean you are available.

For those who do struggle with finding boundaries of work/life balance, here are some ideas to try to find that balance:

Unplug — Technology has helped our lives in many ways, but it has also created an expectation that we are always available. Take time to truly unplug. Turn off your phone! Spend time with the people you love or just have some quiet time for yourself. Leave the phone alone while at your kid’s events — enjoy the now, because otherwise the stress continues and the work never ends.

Take your breaks — It is so important to take time each day for yourself. Most people receive a lunch break, but 80 percent of employees still eat at their desk and continue to work over that break. Take this time to go for a short walk, read a book, or catch up with a family member or close friend. This time is part of your work day, and is scheduled, so take advantage of it.

Self-care — Take time to care for yourself, otherwise you are not helping anyone at work or at home. Self-care may be exercising most days of the week, or perhaps it means meditating. Find an activity that gives you joy and incorporate it into your daily routine.

If work has you stressed out, it is time to reflect what work/life balance means to you. Like all things start small, and figure out what works for you and your schedule, then grow it into a routine.